Trapline Setting & Staking Equipment

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Waxed Dirt
NEW! Waxed Dirt
Sheds moisture away and insulates the trap, preventing mud from forming and keeping a trap's springs, levers, and jaws moving.
$29.95 - 20 pounds
Coni Tongs
NEW! Coon Creek Coni Tongs
Laser cut with a different notch to make the gripping much better and easier on/off capabilities for #220 and       #330 traps.
$34.95 - each
Body Grip Stand
NEW! Body Grip Stands
These stabililizers are great for dens, runs, trails, creeks, bottom edge locations, bridges and culverts. Helps keep your body grip set and ready. Available in #110/120,  #160, #220, and #330 to fit all your trapping needs.
Body Grip Safety Hook
Body Grip Safety Hook
$5.50 - each
Body Grip Setting Tongs
Body Grip Setting Tongs
Sets all sizes.
$11.95 - each
SCM 14" Aluminum Trap Setters
SCM 14" Aluminum Trap Setters
Fits longsprings & up to 220 bodygrip.
$13.95 - each
SCM 24" Aluminum Trap Setter #4
SCM 24" Aluminum Trap Setter #4
Fits longsprings & #330 down
$23.95 - each
Coilspring Trap Setters
Coilspring Trap Setters
Fits #1-1/2 and #2 coilspring traps.
$10.95 - each
DP Trap Setting Tool
DP Trap Setting Tool
Makes setting all types of DP traps easy.
$4.00 - each
Fiberglass Trap Pan Covers
Fiberglass Trap Pan Covers - 24 Pack
Size #150 fits #1.5 traps, #175 fits #1.75, #2 fits #2 traps.
Model A Trapper's Cap
Model A Trapper's Cap
Fits Victor and Blake & Lamb #1-1/2
& # 2 coilspring traps.
$7.95 - each
Model B Trapper's Cap
Model B Trapper's Cap
Fits Victor #1.75 & Victor #2 coilspring traps.
$7.95 - each
Model C Trapper's Cap
Model C Trapper's Cap
Fits #3 and #4 longspring traps and #3 round jaw coilspring traps.
$7.95 - each
J.C. Conner Dirt Buster
J.C. Conner Dirt Buster
Heavy duty design with slide bottom for sandy soil.
$30.00 - each
Metal Dirt Sifter
Metal Dirt Sifter
1/4" mesh screen
$9.00 - each
Metal Diamond Screen Sifter
Metal Diamond Screen Sifter
$9.95 - each
Trapper's Tie Wire
Trapper's Tie Wire
Comes on roll.
E-Z Wire Reeler
E-Z Wire Reeler
Metal reeler makes keeping your wire easy and tangle free.
$27.00 - each
Flake Wax
Flake Wax
No more frozen in traps. No more rebedding after a rain, snow, or ice melt. Traps bedded in treated dirt will function in any weather conditions. Dirt treated with this wax won’t rust your traps, will be waterproof and freeze-proof, as well as free from foreign odors. One 10-pound bag will treat about 20 gallons of dirt.
$31.95 - 10 pound bag
Leggett's Choice Antifreeze
Leggett's Choice Antifreeze
Traps simply won't work in the winter if they are frozen in. Use our antifreeze on your sets to keep them working all season long.
Rebar Stakes
Rebar Stakes - Dozen
2-Prong Fox Drags
2-Prong Fox Drags
Coyote Drags
Heavy Duty 3/8" 2-Prong Coyote Drags
Duckbill Disposable Stakes
DB40 Duckbill Disposable Stakes - Dozen
300# holding power
Duckbill Stake Driver
Duckbill Stake Driver
$13.95 - each
Berkshire Disposable Stakes
Standard Berkshire Disposable Stakes
Standard stakes are perfect for general trapping use.
Berkshire Disposable Stakes
HD Berkshire Disposable Stakes
Heavy duty stakes are designed for harder ground.
Berkshire Disposable Stakes
Berkshire Stake Drivers
Standard and heavy duty drivers have T-handle; soft ground driver has straight shaft.
Cast Super Stakes
Cast Super Stakes
Bullet point, one-piece, cast, malleable steel stake ends.
Cast Super Stakes Driver
Cast Super Stakes Driver
Bullet point, one-piece, cast, malleable steel stake ends.
$16.95 - each
Wolf Fang Anchor
Wolf Fang Anchors
Zinc plated for added durability in hard use. This anchor will hold the biggest and meanest coyotes around. Anchors only.
Wolf Fang Anchor
Wolf Fang Anchors With Cable
Zinc plated for added durability in hard use. This anchor will hold the biggest and meanest coyotes around. Made with 3/32 x 18-inch cable. 1 Dozen
$21.95 - dozen
Wolf Fang Anchor
Wolf Fang Anchors With Chain
Zinc plated for added durability in hard use. This anchor will hold the biggest and meanest coyotes around. Made with machine chain. 1 Dozen
$39.95 - dozen
Wolf Fang Driver
Wolf Fang Anchor Driver
Easy way to drive any Wolf Fang Anchor. Made with High Carbon 4140 Steel. 24 Inches in Length.
$16.95 - each
Fluorescent Flagging
Fluorescent Flagging
Never lose your set location again.
$2.00 - each
Trapper's Kneeling Pad
Trapper's Kneeling Pad
Helps keep human odor away from your set location. Also keeps knees clean and dry.
$9.95 - each
7308 Monroe Rd., Boonsboro, MD 21713
Phone 301-432-5070
National Trappers Association
Hall of  Fame
National Trappers Association
Retired FTA Trapper's College
Instructor, FTA Hall of Fame
Fur Takers of America
Copyright © The Leggett's 2007-2024. All right reserved.
Website by Hawk Mountain